The Beauty of Affirming
March 1, 2023Wilding
April 26, 2023After the quiet and solitude of winter, the greening of spring spreads across our land and blossoms in our spirits. From the first sight of daffodils and crocus the celebration of life renewed begins. The ground welcomes the saturating spring rains with plants sprouting and petals unfolding. Though, for me the essence of spring is the singing of the frogs.
We are graced with acres of woods around us, and enough low spots to encourage an abundance of frogs to shelter there. Together they create a multitude of green choirmasters. They start their serenading in the coolest part of spring, harbingers of what will come. They grow more strident in their music, daily calling out to their green lovers in rain or shine. They are the call of life renewed. Their song warms my heart after a long, cold winter. There is hope for something new in their croaking tunes.
While the frog choir heralds spring change, all nature has its role. There is no life that does not have a purpose in the balance of nature. Humans have learned this the hard way and there will be many more hard lessons to come. Perhaps as the earth awakens this year, we can change our focus from how the earth serves us to how we can serve the earth. Take a moment in the sun and make a mental list of ways we can give back to the earth this Spring.
Take a walk in your yard, neighborhood or nearby woods and assess the damage that has occurred from winter, from humans, from the changes in our climate. Think about one small thing you can do to make a difference. If we committed to one positive thing to aid the earth, what a great thing that could become! As Earth Day draws near, let it motivate you to take action, vow to do one good thing to support the earth and her creatures. Maybe then, collectively, we can change our little neck of the woods!
In the meantime, listen to the frogs, step out for a walk in the woods and relish the world that is ours to share with every living thing.
Share your thoughts and environmental hacks on how to battle climate change noting these in our comments area below. Share how you celebrate the coming of spring, and any other shareable thoughts below! We wish you a warm and rich springtime!
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Wishing you well-being,
As Always
Sandy Place